A young, enigmatic woman-Lily Azerov-arrives in postwar Montreal expecting to meet her betrothed, Sol Kramer. When Sol sees Lily at the train station, however, he turns her down. His brother, Nathan, sees Lily and instantly decides to marry her.
But Lily is not who she claims to be, and her attempt to live a quiet life as Nathan Kramer's wife shatters when she disappears, leaving her baby daughter with only a diary, an uncut diamond and a need to discover the truth.
Who is Lily and what happened to the young woman whose identity she stole? Why did she leave and where did she go? It is up to the daughter Lily abandoned to find the answers to these questions as she searches for the mother she may never find or truly know.
The Imposter Bride is a jewel of a book. . . . These are characters that will stay with you long after you read the last word...and show us that even out of the greatest tragedy, it is possible to shape hope and love.”