At the end of this gruelling ritual journey, the elders of the Mandelas' tribe gathered and Ndaba's grandfather was there, as ever, to share his greatest life lessons. From Nelson Mandela, Ndaba learned the spirit of endurance, the triumph of forgiveness, the power of resistance and the beauty of reconciliation.
Ndaba Mandela is the grandson of Nelson Mandela. He is the co-founder and co-chairman of the Africa Rising Foundation, an organization dedicated to promoting a positive image of Africa around the world and to increasing its potential for growth in the areas of education, employment and international corporate alliances. Ndaba has served as a spokesperson and ambassador for UNAIDS, which seeks to end discrimination around HIV/AIDS. He is also the Founder of the Mandela Project, and is part of the team behind the worldwide celebrations to mark the Nelson Mandela Centenary in 2018.