This is a science fiction short story for all ages. After an apocalyptic event that leaves the world in a state of devastation, a boy called Aki lives alone in a giant robot, unable to go out because of the poisoned air.
After an apocalyptic event that leaves the world in a state of devastation, a boy called Aki lives alone in a giant robot, unable to go out because of the poisoned air.
For years the robot walks the earth, through barren wastelands, searching for the New Place, where Aki might be able to live outside.
Aki does not know what, or who, he will find there.
Greta Thunberg, climate change activist, has said: "You say you love your children above all else …"
Aki's parents loved him above all else, but they could not save him from losing everything that had been familiar to him.
After an apocalyptic event that leaves the world in a state of devastation, a boy called Aki lives alone in a giant robot, unable to go out because of the poisoned air.
For years the robot walks the earth, through barren wastelands, searching for the New Place, where Aki might be able to live outside.
Aki does not know what, or who, he will find there.
Greta Thunberg, climate change activist, has said: "You say you love your children above all else …"
Aki's parents loved him above all else, but they could not save him from losing everything that had been familiar to him.