In the eternal quest for happiness, we go through seven levels of happiness until we attain what we have always wanted - ultimate bliss. This book shall teach you to move to higher levels of happiness. It shall open a pathway to true and everlasting happiness that eludes us. It shows us how it is possible to attain true instant happiness - here and now! This book is the beginning to shift to higher levels of consciousness. It reveals the secret of happiness.
Review of this book:
The author facilitates the attainment of happiness, firstly by describing the seven levels of happiness, and secondly, by stating the steps which lead towards it.
The first four levels are mundane, meaning less tempered and worldly. The remaining three-Happiness through service, Divine Happiness and Eternal Bliss are higher levels. Sirshree, gently, but firmly guides us towards them.
He steers us away from false happiness and lays great stress on acceptance on the path to happiness. His methods and information make attaining instant happiness and true; and everlasting bliss, here and now, a possibility.